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MScSpatial Planning: European Spatial and Environmental Planning

Radboud University
Netherlands, Nijmegen
More information



Interested? To learn more about this study programme, entry requirements and application process, please contact one of our consultants in a country nearest to you.

Programme structure

The Master’s specialisation in European Spatial and Environmental Planning is taught at the Nijmegen School of Management. It has a course load of 60 EC*(one year). All the courses are 6 EC and the Master’s Thesis is 24 EC. The structure of the programme is presented here.

Career opportunities

There is a great demand for spatial and environmental planners with a thorough knowledge of the European and international policy context. The graduates of this programme work in European institutions, national and regional public authorities, consultancies, and NGOs dealing with spatial planning, regional policy, and environmental policy. They work in positions such as researchers, consultants, project managers, and policy advisors. Because of the international orientation and the thorough academic foundation of the Master’s programme, graduates are also well prepared to pursue a PhD degree in the Netherlands or another European country.

Apply now! Fall semester 2023/24
Application period has ended

Please see the university profile or contact us for the deadlines that apply to you

Apply now! Fall semester 2023/24
Application period has ended

Please see the university profile or contact us for the deadlines that apply to you