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MSc (Eng)Wireless Communication Systems

Tuition fee To be confirmed
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Study the key design aspects of a modern wireless communication system, in particular cellular mobile radio systems. There is a current shortage of communications engineers with a comprehensive appreciation of wireless system design from RF through baseband to packet protocols.

Industry needs graduates with specialist skills to drive research and development. Sheffield is one of a very small group of UK universities with the expertise to meet this demand.

Our MSc(Eng) has a strong r&d bias. There are lectures, laboratories and seminars. We assess you on exams, coursework and a project dissertation.

Programme structure

Core modules

Advanced Signal Processing
Advanced Communication Principles
Antennas, Propagation and Satellite Systems
Mobile Networks and Physical Layer Protocols
Broadband Wireless Techniques
Wireless Packet Data Networks and Protocols
Major Research Project

Optional modules

Data Coding Techniques for Communication and Storage
Optical Communication Devices and Systems
Computer Vision
Electronic Communication Technologies
Data Coding Techniques for Communication and Storage
System Design


Research-led teaching and an individual research project


Project dissertation with poster presentation

Apply now! Fall semester 2021/22
Application period has ended
2020 entry: Due to high demand the course will be closed to new applications from Friday 31 January. From 17 February, the university expects to offer places to a limited number of high quality applicants only, who exceed the usual entry requirements.
Apply now! Fall semester 2021/22
Application period has ended
2020 entry: Due to high demand the course will be closed to new applications from Friday 31 January. From 17 February, the university expects to offer places to a limited number of high quality applicants only, who exceed the usual entry requirements.