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MSc (Eng)Water Engineering

Tuition fee To be confirmed
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Looking after our water resources has never been more important or more challenging.

The world needs engineering graduates who can tackle the problems of flooding, pollution and infrastructure design.

Our MSc aims to meet that demand.

Powered by the world-leading research of our own specialists, the course offers training in sustainable urban development and environmental management. And the chance to carry out research of your own.

The basic structure is September-June: taught modules and
preparation for your dissertation. June-August: complete your dissertation.

Programme structure

The first semester gives you a grounding in the relevant engineering science:
Modelling Methods

In the second semester, you’ll apply that knowledge to a series of topics, including:
Urban Drainage
Groundwater Remediation
Open Channel Flow

Your research dissertation gives you the opportunity to work with an academic on a piece of research in a subdiscipline.

Core modules

Engineering Hydrology
Advanced Hydraulics
Hydrogeology and Research Skills
Water Quality
Computational Methods for Water Engineering

Optional modules

Pollutant Fate and Transport in the Subsurface
Coastal Engineering
SUDS and Green Intrastructure
Risk and Extreme Events
River Mechanics
Water and Sewer Network Design
Remediation of Groundwater Pollution


Lectures by academic staff and industrial partners
Laboratory work
Site visits
Design projects


MSc conference presentation

Apply now! Fall semester 2021/22
Application period has ended
2020 entry: Due to high demand the course will be closed to new applications from Friday 31 January. From 17 February, the university expects to offer places to a limited number of high quality applicants only, who exceed the usual entry requirements.
Apply now! Fall semester 2021/22
Application period has ended
2020 entry: Due to high demand the course will be closed to new applications from Friday 31 January. From 17 February, the university expects to offer places to a limited number of high quality applicants only, who exceed the usual entry requirements.