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MAMultilevel Governance in Europe

University of Essex
United Kingdom, Colchester
More information



Interested? To learn more about this study programme, entry requirements and application process, please contact one of our consultants in a country nearest to you.

Programme structure

Year 1

MA Dissertation
Comparative European Politics
Theory and Explanation in Political Science
Political Explanation (optional)
Advanced Research Methods (optional)
International Security Studies (optional)
Political Parties in Britain and Europe (optional)
Contemporary Theories of Justice (optional)
Environmental Politics (optional)
Theories of International Relations (optional)
Conflict Resolution (optional)
Political Economy (optional)
Political Theory (optional)
Research Seminar in Political Theory and Methods (optional)
Research Design (optional)
Public Opinion and Political Behaviour (optional)
Ideology and Political Discourse (optional)
Survey Measurement and Question Design (optional)

Career opportunities

Our MA Multilevel Governance in Europe can lead to a career in British and European politics and the private sector. Our course will help you develop key employability skills including analytical reasoning, research, communication, and essay-writing.

Recent graduates have gone on to work for the following high-profile organisations:

The Civil Service
Local government
The World Bank
The United Nations
YouGov and YouGov America

We also offer supervision for PhD and MPhil in the following fields: government; ideology and discourse analysis; international relations; political behaviour; and politics.

Apply now! Fall semester 2023/24
Application period has ended

Please see the university profile or contact us for the deadlines that apply to you

Apply now! Fall semester 2023/24
Application period has ended

Please see the university profile or contact us for the deadlines that apply to you