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MSC/PGDIP/PGCERTMathematical Sciences

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Interested? To learn more about this study programme, entry requirements and application process, please contact one of our consultants in a country nearest to you.

Career opportunities

Graduates of the MSc and PhD programmes move on to many different careers. Recent graduates have moved into fast track teacher programmes, jobs in finance (actuarial, banking, insurance), software development, drugs testing and defence work, as well as University postdoctoral or lecturing posts. The MSc programme is of course a natural route into doctoral study in Mathematics and related fields, both at Liverpool and elsewhere. Some of our PhD students move on to postdoctoral positions and to academic teaching jobs and jobs in research institutes, both in the UK and elsewhere.

Apply now! Fall semester 2023/24
Application period has ended

Please see the university profile or contact us for the deadlines that apply to you

Apply now! Fall semester 2023/24
Application period has ended

Please see the university profile or contact us for the deadlines that apply to you